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    Concrete Compressometers are used to determine the deformation (both axial and diametrical) of concrete cylinder or cube specimens during the compression test.


    ASTM C469

    There are 6 different models available for Ø4”x8” or Ø100x200 mm cylinders , Ø6”x12” or Ø150x300 mm.

    Compressometer / Extensometer

    Digital Dial Gage


    Linear Potantiometric

    Displacement Transducer


    High Accurate Strain Gage Based Displacement Transducer UTGM-0072

    for use with Ø4"x8" or Ø100x200mm and Ø6"x12" or Ø150x300mm cylinders

    UTC-0303 (3 pcs)

    UTC-0304 (2 pcs)

    UTC-0313 (3pcs)

    UTC-0314 (2pcs)

    UTC-0323 (3pcs)

    UTC-0324 (2pcs)

    The UTC-0303 is supplied complete with 3 pcs. and UTC-0304 is supplied complete with 2 pcs. digital dial gauges, 12.7x0.001 mm, LCD display.

    The UTC-0313 is supplied complete with 3 pcs. and UTC-0314 is supplied complete with 2 pcs. Linear Potentiometric Displacement Transducers 10 mm, nominal resistance 1kΩ .

    The UTC-0323 is supplied complete with 3 pcs. and UTC-0324 is supplied complete with 2 pcs. Linear High Accurate Strain Gauge Based Displacement Transducer, 10 mm, rated output 5mV/V, nonlinearity within ±0.1% RO, hysteresis within ±0.1% RO.

    For displacement controlled test, UTC-0313, UTC-0314, UTC-0323 and UTC-0324 should be used with UTC-4850 or UTC-4860 advanced servo controlled automatic power packs with proportional valve units or UTC-4870 or UTC-4880 advanced servo controlled automatic power pack with servo valve.

    For load controlled test, UTC-0313, UTC-0314, UTC-0317, UTC-0323 and UTC-0324 can be used with any UTEST servo controlled or UTEST automatic power packs.

    If the compressometer ( except compressometers with digital dial gauges) is used with UTEST semi-automatic or automatics powerpacks, UTG-0320 Static Unilogger is also required and should be ordered separately.

    UTC-0303, and UTC-0304 can be used with any UTEST machine independent of power pack type.

    The Compressometers/Extensometers are supplied complete with;

    • Digital dial gauge or displacement transducer depending on the model, 3 pcs. or 2 pcs.
    • Wooden Box



    Weight (approx.)

    UTC-0303, UTC-0304, UTC-0313

    UTC-0314, UTC-0323, UTC-0324

    350x350x350 mm (packed)

    6 kg